Okay so here's your scenario -- Josh and I are walking in the mall and the first advertisement we see is some guys enormous chest showing and he's wearing a zip up hoodie with no shirt underneath. We walk to the next store and start to look around....and I looked up. Hanging from the ceiling of that store were pictures of couples in make-out poses. I swear there was like 10 of them and then around them were little signs that said "holiday hookups". Not to mention the ridiculously cut men around all the other stores (I mean like oily, huge, and well defined bodies, showing as much as possible). We both wear trendy clothes and went to the typical stores around the mall, so it's not like we're freaks and visit the abnormal clothing stores or anything. Since Josh is going into the advertising business, I started paying more and more attention to each store we went in thinking, every job really can be a mission field. What I'm getting at is that this is what advertisers think we like, what they think will sell their clothing or whatever their product might be. That in itself is incredible sad. And we wonder why it's so hard to stay pure and to keep those thoughts out of your head. HELLO! It's everywhere you look! This world is all about pleasure and attraction over commitment and devotion. But think about it for a second. How may guys actually look like that? Is that the way God made them? We all know the struggles that society forces on women who don't look "perfect" to the world's standards. That's another blog in itself. Us women warriors are not the only ones though. Our men have unrealistic pressure put on them too. Guys, listen. Don't focus on your body too much...it's really not what matters at all. Who cares if you're ripped and you look like the hottest man alive if you are a jerk who doesn't know how to be a gentlemen and treat a woman like the lady she is. Who cares what you look like if you're empty inside? A woman doesn't want strong muscles to impress her as much as she wants gentle hands to caress her. Remember that. Don't listen to the media, the advertisements, or society -- be yourself. If yourself is a heath nut that likes to work out, cool man, do that. If yourself is the most unatheletic and clumsy person that spends their time reading or playing video games, be that guy!!! No man may ever read this but if you do happen to stumble upon it, there's one last thing I want to stress to you. I've never read a verse where Jesus talks about how strong he is or how he spent all his time at the gym. If you want to be a real man, you'll focus on what's really important, and that's becoming stronger in your walk with the Lord. Real men chase after an almighty God, and nothing else. That's more attractive than a boy with no brains that didn't put a shirt on under his jacket when it's cold outside. Cover up that chest and those arms and open up that bible.
P.S. Josh, you are an incredible man. I will never care what you look like on the outside, because I know who you are on the inside. I don't know if you'll read this, but that's how I feel. Don't ever change...but if you must - change for you, not for me. :)